Kriology – The Mystical Tradition of Kriya Yoga



Discover the Inner Rituals of Kriya Yoga
Study Kriya Cosmology & Philosophy
Learn the Laws of Self-Conscious Awareness
Quiet Your Mind & Regenerate Your Physical Energy
Transform Your Life & Become a Blessing to Others
Break Free of Self-Imposed Limitations

Kriology is the study and practice of the inner esoteric tradition of Kriya Yoga. It is a pathway to wisdom — a mature, self-directed inquiry into the nature of you, your life, and the universe in which you dwell. It is a system for awakening a direct experience which expands the horizon of your awareness and cultivates greater joy and freedom. The purpose of this self study program is to impart the philosophy and methodology of Kriya Yoga and to teach you to utilize the system here and now to improve your life. Its goal is to bring greater clarity of purpose and meaning to your life, to bless you with the strength and insight to be a blessing unto others, to nourish and heal your mind and body, to soften your karma, and assist you in the attainment of your spiritual goals.

Kriya is a gentle, skillful, balanced approach to life — a way of conscious and creative living. It is a methodology of self-reliance, self-discipline, and self-inquiry. An ageless esoteric system which transcends both historical and cultural reference, Kriya Yoga unifies the mystical philosophies which are the foundation of all spiritual traditions. It is a way of self-study and meditative attunement which induces a direct perception and insight into the nature of consciousness, the pattern of your mind, and Life itself. Through the study of universal principles, and the use of specific spiritual techniques, it is a system for experiencing a transformation in consciousness which will enrich your life on every level.

This program offers you the unique opportunity to fully explore the realms of Kriya Yoga at your own pace and in the comfort of your home. Kriology® is composed of nine months of home study training, and combines audio-recorded teachings in MP3 format created exclusively for this course by Goswami Kriyananda, with written lessons, Kriya techniques, selected reading assignments, sadhana practice, and study guides, all in PDF format.

Includes more than 66 audio MP3s and more than 300 pages of text in PDF format.

Kriology – The Mystical Tradition of Kriya Yoga


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