Pluto Enters Capricorn
This interview was recorded in 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn. This November 19th, 2024 Pluto will exit Capricorn for the final time after approximately 16 years of activity. We thought it would be interesting to go back and review what Kriyanandaji had to say about it upon entry, and what it could mean.
The Sky Is Not the Limit Meditation
We only limit ourselves by our own inharmonious thoughts. In this meditation. Be present with the soft white clouds at sunset. Let the white noise filter out your limitations.
World Love Meditation
Today we will light the lamp of love. Sharing our energetic love and peace, to all corners of the world.
Trataka Meditation
This is an ancient method first given through the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Trataka in Sanskrit means “to gaze”. Doing so will help to empty the mind. Creating better focus. Reducing anxiety and tension. As well as helping our overall cognitive function.
Traditionally, a candle is used. Today we will utilize the roaring fireplace.
Important note. This practice is not advised for those prone to seizures, schizophrenia, or any serious eye disorder such as glaucoma.
Snow Visual Meditation
Enjoy the peaceful quiet of the snow in this visual meditation.
Self Priority Meditation
Weekly Guided Meditation with Swami Jnanamudrananda
Grounding Meditation
We will use the energy of the beautiful red rocks of Sedona to help ground ourselves in the body, and in mind.