Professional Astrology

Developed by Goswami Kriyananda, Founder and Spiritual Preceptor of the Temple of Kriya Yoga

  • Study From Anywhere at Your Own Pace
  • Open to all regardless of current skill level in Astrology

About the Program

This self-study program enables you to start wherever you are in your astrology studies – novice or experienced student – and gain the skills necessary to become a practicing astrologer. It is self-paced, with an average completion time of 2 years. Goswami Kriyananda draws upon his 60 years of experiences as a master astrologer to share his knowledge, insights and deep secrets of the science of astrology.

Astrology is a spiritual tool for self-improvement. It is a technique for guiding yourself and others to greater self-awareness and free will. It is also the art of proper timing. Special lessons on astrological counseling will teach you how to use astrology as both a predictive and spiritual tool for your clients. Practical professional advice on building an astrological practice is also provided.

Program Structure

This self-study program is divided into three parts. Each part includes 20 lessons which incorporate both recorded and written material. There are 40 or more recordings to stream or download in MP3 format within each part. You will also have supplemental material such as flash cards, study guides, horoscope examples, reading assignments, homework and an independent study project to support and facilitate your learning.

There will also be occasional webinars with Temple instructors, who are also experienced astrologers, on a variety of astrology topics, plus time for questions and answers on the course content. The webinars will be recorded and posted online for those who cannot attend real time. The instructors will provide additional online support and contact regarding the course, monitor your progress, and grade the online exams. They will also provide feedback on your independent study project which is assigned in Part 3.

Self-evaluation tests will help you prepare for the online tests which are submitted for grading by the course instructors. In this way, you can ensure that you have mastered each unit before moving on to the next one.

Your Course Materials Include:

  • More than 120 MP3 audio recordings
  • Printed lessons in PDF format to support the recordings
  • Special transcripts from Sri Goswami Kriyananda’s teaching library
  • A variety of study guides and charts
  • Study questions for self-evaluation
  • Other written material to help you interpret and use astrology effectively
  • Sri Goswami Kriyananda’s book The Wisdom and Way of Astrology


  • All interested in studying astrology in depth are encouraged to enroll, whether or not your goal is to be a practicing astrologer.
  • No previous astrology experience is required, though some basic knowledge of astrology is helpful.
  • We will be happy to answer your questions by phone or email.
  • Students may sign up and begin any time.
  • We will contact you within 3 business days, upon submission of both the application and payment.
Please complete the application form and submit your tuition payment.


Payment in full for The Professional Astrology Course: $2050.00

This 24-month self-study program enables you to start wherever you are in your astrology studies – novice or experienced student – and gain the skills necessary to become a practicing astrologer.


Purchase in 3 installments, or add all 3 parts to your cart and receive a 20% discount.

This 24-month self-study program enables you to start wherever you are in your astrology studies – novice or experienced student – and gain the skills necessary to become a practicing astrologer
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Goswami Kriyananda begins with a comprehensive look at the fundamentals of horoscope reading. Topics include planets, signs, houses, aspects, and more. Lessons on Chart delineation lessons bring these components together to give information and insights into an individual's natal horoscope. Temple instructors provide additional material and support.
Goswami Kriyananda continues the course with techniques for advancing a horoscope into the future using transits and progressions. Also included are patterns of karma and reincarnation in the natal chart and an in-depth look at the Moon and its cycles, plus many additional topics. Temple instructors provide additional material and support.
Goswami Kriyananda provides advanced methods for giving guidance to clients on vocation, relationships, finance, health and continues with more on natal chart interpretation, transits and progressions. Many more topics are included. Temple instructors provide additional material and support.

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