New Moon Series

Month 6

New Moon Six: The Wisdom Path Of Yoga

This series deals with awakening our lives to the Path of Wisdom. Kriyananda shares his basic formulas for living wisely and happily as we ascend to the spiritual mountain top of Illumination.

Be Wise, Be Free

Wisdom is the journey inward. If we become wise we can learn to think the thought ‘freedom’, and use that wisdom to become free. This audio is about sowing the seeds of wisdom to let go of negativity, and learn ways to use that negativity to lift ourselves to happiness and wisdom.

Wisdom: The Only Salvation from Fear

There is only one life, and that is your life. It is by attuning to our inner wisdom that we are able to overcome fear and the limited forces of our universe. Learn how to recognize self-grasping and rise above it through the cultivation of wisdom.

The Wisdom of the Buddha

We are a result of all we have thought. This recording is about changing our thinking and thus changing our ‘tomorrows’. It gives insights into the wisdom of yoga as it relates to the Wisdom of the Buddha. Kriyananda gives specific ‘pieces of wisdom’ to change your life positively.​

Kriya Wisdom

There is no shortage save the shortage of Wisdom in life. This meditation focuses on two essential ingredients to a happier life: humility and wisdom. Learn how awareness is key to happiness and understanding life more wisely.

Applying Wisdom To Your Everyday Life

Wisdom is letting go of the hurts of the past, the apprehensions of tomorrow, and learning to skillfully handle ‘today.’ Learn the “ABC’s” of living wisely and overcoming limitations in your day to day life.

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