New Moon Series
Month 5
New Moon Five: Walking The Spiritual Path To Enlightenment
This series is a collection of talks on various aspects of walking the spiritual path including steps and guidelines for ascending to the ‘mountain top’. With Kriya Yoga, the yoga of action, as the foundation, Kriyananda discusses the difficulties and wonderments of walking the Path and how to create a better life for yourself through this journey. Learn how to have greater discipline and life satisfaction while treading the Path to what Kriyananda calls ‘Happiness.’
Basic Steps to Spirituality
This recording will give you some basic steps and insights for walking the spiritual path such as transcending ‘me consciousness,’ feeding the world, spending time alone, breathing deeply, and techniques to attain spiritual freedom.
How to Grow Spiritually
This recording defines what the spiritual path is and its relationship to our individual maturity. Learn how to awaken your own spirituality and light the way for others. Realize that every person is a ‘mountain’ that points toward the Reality.
Following the Path
Life is a journey through the forest, toward the ‘Mountain Peak’. This recording gives insights into Kriya Yoga as the yoga of action, and how action is needed to make progress on the path, how technique without action is meaningless. It includes a blessing and chanting at the end of the recording for your spiritual attunement.
Planting Seeds of Spiritual Success
Planting seeds of spiritual success necessitates an understanding that there is more than just today but a future leading into other lifetimes. This recording talks about reincarnation as a basic for planting the seeds to spiritual success into tomorrow. Learn how to be happy today while preparing for the future. Build your spiritual life today so it is strong enough to last forever.
The Blessing of the Dharma
Kriyananda discusses certain obstacles on the Path and how to overcome them. Learn how to break free from ego limitation, and how to take the spiritual ‘words’, techniques and procedures that we are accustomed to, and apply them so are lives open to experience happiness, greater creativity, and wisdom, NOW.