New Moon Series

Month 4

New Moon Four: The Love Series

Love is the essence of the spiritual path and one of the basic needs in Life. In Part I of this highly inspirational series, Goswami Kriyananda defines love and speaks on its meaning and message, and how, when awakened, can bring forth wondrous gifts into your life. He speaks about the value of love, learning to love yourself, and opening your life to the bridge that ultimately leads to Divine Love and cosmic consciousness.

Love Solves All Problems

Learn what a problem is and how love can help you to solve your problems. Goswami shares the magic formula for leading a happier and more peaceful life. He gives the three laws of love, how to see problems as signposts for positive evolution and the awakening of the Spiritual Giant within. He shares some personal stories to express the message of love and the Goodness of Life.

Love Does Conquer Fear

Fear is the basis of many of our negative actions and attitudes that create our difficulties and confine and limit us. Learn how love conquers fear and how to lift above the negativity and harshness of the world through love and a proper outlook on life. Through love consciousness you can rise above fear to the realization that it is our karma that can protect that which belongs to us.

Let Life Love You

One of the key secrets of happiness and the fulfilling of the three basic needs is to ‘allow life to love you’. This meditation reflects on the mystical factors of love, and how to be open to the positive and galactic nature of life. See problems as opportunities for better understanding others, and for learning to share and love more fully.

Love Expects The Best

Love not only expects the best but believes the best. This lecture focuses on how to become a bridge builder instead of a wall builder. Learn to set aside the hurts in your life that limit you, and begin to build bridges that can ultimately connect you to far greater love and happiness and to the Life Divine.

Unselfish Love – Higher Love

This video is a simple yet profound discussion on the concept of the heart as the organ that produces the pure feeling of unselfish love. Goswami Kriyananda draws you inward to find that ultimate balanced state that can bring greater peace, serenity and clarity to your life and problems.

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