New Moon Series
Month 12
New Moon Twelve: The Ritual of the Moon – Parts 1 & 2
This is a two part series, a compilation of questions and answers on the Ritual of the Moon given by Goswami Kriyananda in 1992. He answers questions given by two of his senior disciples on the Ritual of the Moon. This is a two part series giving techniques and answering questions about the dream world, your dreams, and how they relate to your everyday conscious living and creating. Learn how dream awareness can change your life and bring you to the shore of higher awareness. The questions were gathered from other disciples and students of the Temple beforehand and answered by Kriyananda spontaneously.
Ritual of the Moon 1, Part 1
This is tape one of Ritual of the Moon. Goswami brings light to the subject of dreams and the Ritual of the Moon surrounding the dream state and how it relates to everyday life and higher awareness. He begins by answering the question: “What is the dream state and how does it relate to Kriya Yoga?
Ritual of the Moon 1, Part 2
The second tape in the Part I series. Goswami continues answering questions on the dream state of higher awareness.
Ritual of the Moon 1, Part 3
The final tape in the Part I series. Goswami continues answering questions on the dream state and higher awareness.
Ritual of the Moon 2, Part 1
This is Part II of the Ritual of the Moon, a more advanced series of talks in which Kriyananda answers questions on the dream and how they can bring one to higher levels of consciousness. He begins the series by answering the question: “How is the dream state perceived from the state of God Consciousness?
Ritual of the Moon 2, Part 2
Goswami continues Part II, answering questions on the advanced aspects of the dream state and higher awareness.
Mother’s Day Meditation
The Moon is the symbol of dreams and also represents the symbol of the Mother. This meditation discusses honoring the Mother, the Moon principle, and its relationship to ourselves and the fulfillment of our dreams. Goswami speaks on unselfishness, the importance of self-discipline, the Mother Principle and the fulfillment of the Mother’s dream, which is to be Happy.