New Moon Series
Month 11
New Moon Eleven: The Love Series – Part 2
This is a continuation of the Love Series which was presented in month four on many of the aspects of love and the spiritual path. This beautiful series elaborates on love, its meaning and its significance in your life. Learn to attain your dreams and goals and live more harmoniously in all of your relationships through the wisdom of love. Goswami Kriyananda focuses throughout this series on ‘giving’, living the Life Divine, and the essence of love, which is unselfish love.
Touching Life’s Love
​The first in a 4-part question and answer session between Goswami Kriyananda and his senior disciples. The first question, What is Kriya Yoga? gives an excellent overall understanding of Kriya Yoga along with number of succeeding questions on the many aspects of this esteemed pathway to Enlightenment.
Love Brings Forth Wondrous Miracles
The word love in the English language is difficult to define. No word has been used more than the word love, and yet most people know little or nothing about love. Goswami speaks on the three types of love and to which love we must attune for happiness and wisdom. He speaks about ‘expectation’ as the adversary of love, and how to attain unselfish love, the highest form of love.
Before Love Comes
​A meditation that is essential to the understanding of love. What should you do before love comes to you? The door of love opens to everyone and we need to understand that we must be prepared for that love with wisdom and compassion. Goswami speaks on life, love, the sharing of love, and the preparation for the demands of love.
Spiritual Love Manifests
​Goswami begins with a didactic tale for an understanding of what prevents love from entering our life. Learn how what we do and our attitude towards those actions affect the energy that we extract from life. The secret of love is learning to ‘allow’ life to love us. From this we open the door to loving more fully and completely both on the earth plane and on the spiritual path.
Allow Life to Love You
​We are all here to unfold and mature. If we can learn to allow life to love us, we can expand outward to Life in its fullest capacity to become more loving and happier. Goswami talks about three basic types of people and how each differs in their approach to love. We are a spark of the divine flame. By allowing life to love us we can learn to break free from confinement and attune to that inward Divine Flame.