Kriya Yoga and Depth Psychology

Kriya Yoga is a path of study and meditative attunement that induces a direct perception of the nature of consciousness, the structure and dynamics of the mind and Life itself. It is a system of psycho-biological techniques that rebalance the mental/emotional patterns of the past and cultivate greater self-awareness. Embodied within it is a mystical psychology that reveals how we create, sustain, and can transform the experiences of our lives.

This seminar is a fascinating discussion of western psychology from the perspective of Kriya Yoga and mysticism. It focuses on the work of three pioneers in the field of depth psychology โ€” Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler โ€” how their work drew upon eastern thought, and how it continues to expand our understanding of the human experience. From a yogic perspective, this seminar explores many of the primary questions of depth psychology. What is the personality? How does it function? Where does it get its energy? How does that energy move from one part of the mind to another? Why does a personality fail to function in a normal, healthy way, and how can the personality be rebalanced?

19 MP3 recordings