Self Awareness
Become detached from your needs and greeds. Go deep within to find the seed state of enlightenment, the Bodi Chit. Fear of our inability to do this holds us back. The solution is to develop greater strength and faith in our ability to perform our dharma and to find that which we seek.
The Blessing of the Guru
To have a Guru is a blessing, but chose wisely. Just as a serious musician needs to find a maestro to tutor him, a spiritual seeker will benefit tremendously from having a living guru who will walk beside him, in a sense embedded in his life. A Guru is someone one can trust and therefore assist us in learning to trust the world we exist in.
Goswami Kriyananda Opens the Noon Meditation to Questions
Goswami Kriyananda invites his students and disciples to ask questions on any topic. Answers include short discourses on how to live with those close to us, with those around us and in the world.
The Problem of Life is Ignorance
In this noon meditation from 1986, Goswami Kriyananda explains that all problems can be traced to false ideas, assumptions, and beliefs about ourselves and about the world we experience. In a word, it is ignorance that gets us into trouble. To be able to see clearly and understand the rules of Life will lead to our salvation. One way of achieving this is to realize that our problems are our projections. What we see in others that irritates us is a reflection of something within ourselves that needs improvement. This knowledge is the key to accepting our life experiences and responding to them with skillful means.
Positive Self-Imagery
We all lack self confidence. We all have self doubts. Often this is because of one action that happened in our past that we hold onto. We should take action through meditation and correct it. We can change our past.
Making Your Life More Content
The important thing, Goswami Kriyananda urges, is to move forward toward whatever your dream or goal may be. You may or may not obtain it in this lifetime, but you will find joy in being on your journey.
The World as a Reflection of You
In this noon meditation from June 1985 by Dr Larry Kreyche (Swami Vyasananda), Swamiji draws from his knowledge of yogic mysticism and from his 10 years as a practicing psychiatrist. Vyasanandaji was one of Kriyananda’s earliest and foremost disciples.
How to Prepare for Death
In this teaching, Kriyananda discusses how you can prepare for your body’s physical death. He reminds us that we are all immortal, we cannot truly die. So many people are afraid of death because they feel that when we die we go down to a fiery hell. The Divine One does not punish us, Kriyananda says. Whatever you have done, you have already been forgiven for, and you now must forgive yourself.
Obstacles on the Path
Kriyananda reviews the obstacles we all face while negotiating the Path and its challenges. With his customary insight and humor, he offers suggestions on how to overcome or circumvent them.
How to Be Successful Spiritually
In this lecture, Kriyananda urges the listener to find what is beyond your concept of God. To achieve this, develop wisdom and inner strength.