New Awareness – Part 5 – Remembering Your Past Joy

“You Are What You THINK”

We’ve all heard the old adage, “you are what you eat.” And the yogic philosophy absolutely supports that notion…and adds to it: you are what you THINK and FEEL and PONDER and…

In fact, all mystical traditions are aware of the impact of all that we consume on determining our reality. The book of Philippians in the Christian Bible puts it this way: Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

After all, the macrocosm is an exact duplicate of the microcosm; the way we perceive the outside world is a result of what is going on in our inside world.  So in this final installment of the New Awareness series, we move to cleaning up our microcosm, tending and fertilizing the seeds of joy that are already there, and creating the conditions for them to take root and become the predominant species in our internal reality.  And then, as within, so without. As above, so below. May it be so.

New Awareness – Part 4 – Thoughts

“Quit Hitting Yourself!”
It’s annoying, no matter if it’s an older sibling, the neighborhood bully, or your “I-think-I’m-more-clever-than-I-really-am” dad pulling the prank. They think they’re funny, and you feel dumb as they grab hold of your wrists or arms and use them to literally hit your body while saying, “why are you hitting yourself? Quit hitting yourself!”

And yet, the longer I stayed with this week’s practice and teaching, the more I realized how I play both the annoying prankster and the passive sufferer of my own shenanigans: I all too often allow my unconscious thoughts to run the show, causing me to flail about, hurting and resenting myself in the process.

And that’s the bad news: I’m responsible for so much of my own unhappiness. But that’s also the good news, because it means that it’s fully in my power to learn another way.

It starts with recognizing the difference between our unconscious and conscious thoughts. (That’s a BIG step and Kriyananda tenderly helps us with it in this week’s teaching). Then, we can observe the characteristics of those unconscious thoughts, ask ourselves if they’re the fruit we’re wanting to reap…and then, if not, choose to sow different seeds.

New Awareness – Part 3 – Internal Body Sensations

When I was growing up, my family would periodically drive 5+ hours into the country to “the farm.” It was the site of my mom’s family’s original homestead dating back well into the 1800’s when they came to Texas in a covered wagon, and was still considered “home” to many of my relatives.

I received many, many gifts during those visits. A few of my fondest memories are the thrill of riding through the pasture in the back of a pickup truck, ‘driving’ said pickup truck long before my feet could reach the pedals,my deep awe of the Milky Way, Memaw’s pound cake and Texas sheet cake and Edna Hill cookies…

…and, as a city girl, the bliss of boredom. I’m sure the adults wanted to pull her hair out from all of the whiney “I’m boooorrred” comments they had to endure from the kids as they arrived for their visits. I know it took a few restless hours (or days) for my nervous system to figure out what to do with itself. And, yes, my sister and I found our fair share of trouble (and received the accompanying spankings) while we found our way through to the other side of boredom. But once we made it….. Ahhhh. Such peace and love and goodness.

Those memories still tether me to who and what I yearn to be when I find myself running, ranting, and raving. The gifts are always waiting if I just slow down enough to receive them. And so I practice. Will you join me?

New Awareness – Part 2

Fall is here! Would you use a fork to eat a broth-based soup? Or a vacuum cleaner to rake your leaves? Or a drill to stir your favorite beverage?

Of course not! Using the wrong tool is a tedious waste of time or can even be downright dangerous, and trying to use the thoughts from our brains to run our lives is no different.

“We need, somehow, to move out of our head and into our body. People being consumed with thoughts and daydreams do not live in the present…they are totally lost in the pain of the past or the fears and the desires of the future….The function of the brain (and it’s an important function) is to recall the past in order to benefit from past experiences or to anticipate the future in order to make realistic and positive plans. However, to be lost in the past or in the future kills one of your most powerful mind qualities: to be in the present. For it is only in the present moment that changes, that improvements can be made in your life.” -Goswami Kriyananda

Easier said than done, which is why it’s a practice. And which is why we practice together. We start this week with the gross (external body sensations…and Kristyn has a fun surprise in store for us!) and as we become more proficient, we’ll move over the weeks to the more subtle realms.

Are you up for it? We’ll see you on the mat.

New Awareness – Part 1

Like one of my high school teachers used to tell her students when we were talking over her, “you’re no different than a radio; it’s impossible to broadcast and receive at the same time!”  And it’s no different as adults when we’re trying to receive spiritual truth and awareness as well: we have to quit “broadcasting” if we have any chance of 

Thus, we kick off our series with learning to listen to the Silence. The Breath. There’s a lot more in there than you might think! 

So slip into something comfy, set your devices on “do not disturb” and settle in as Kristyn helps us prepare our bodies and minds to receive Goswami Kriyananda’s wisdom on the importance of listening to the silence. 

Preparing The Body For New Awareness – Introduction

Laugh along side them and find a part of yourself in our leaders and guides, Kristyn (Swami Tathyananda) and Alison (Reverend Young), get to know each other on the job! They currently live on separate continents, have just met each other for this collaboration, and are already falling in love with each other and the opportunity to offer their respective gifts and present Kriology in a fresh, new way.

In this introductory orientation video, you will discover why THIS practice of New Awareness is fundamental for any and all change you’re looking to initiate in your life this season, and get all of your practical and tactical questions answered about what to expect and how to best prepare and set yourself up for success during our next 6 weeks together.